Thursday 13 June 2013

Special Wednesdays

We thought it was time we made proper use of the room, so there will be a few special events scheduled over the coming Wednesday evening meets:

 Wednesday June 26th  Susan's Quiz

Yes, it is time to ask that question again, followed by the other 39. Prizes, too!

  Wednesday July 10th  Bring and Buy

Time to downsize that wardrobe! Dig out all those sizing failures and colour clashes, and exchange them with someone else's mistakes! Between us, we do have fashion sense!

Friday 7 June 2013

Next Dining Club. Ideas?

Time to revive Dining Club after a break for the last few months ..
The next dining club will be July 6th.
Sue says she would like to go somewhere interesting and inexpensive.
In Cambridge?
Any ideas?

Monday 3 June 2013

Back in the Function Room at the Boathouse Pub!

Now that Strawberry Fair is over, we have use of the function room again!
We meet every Wednesday, and the function room comes with its own private toilet and changing area,
though we do have to share the main bar.
As before, we tend to meet up in the main lounge, listen to the band for a while, then slide upstairs later.